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Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Pengerian Software

Apa itu software?

Software merupakan kode program yang disusun sedemikian rupa secara sistematis untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Pada setiap sistem komputer harus terdapat software karena tanpa software interaksi antara brainware dengan hardware tidak memungkinkan. Dari segi fungsinya software dapat dikelompokkan kedalam:
1. Sistem operasi (operating system)
Sistem operasi merupakan software yang digunakan untuk mengelola sumber daya – sumber daya (resources) komputer. Dari segi pengaksesannya software sistem operasi dapat dibagi atas dua bagian yaitu:
- sistem operasi server
- sistem operasi client
2. Bahasa pemrograman (programming language)
Software yang digunakan untuk merancang software-software pada suatu sistem komputer. Dari segi kemiripannya dengan bahasa manusia, software bahasa pemrograman dapat dikelompokkkan kedalam:
- bahasa pemrograman tingkat rendah, cth : bahasa mesin
- bahasa pemrograman tingkat menengah, cth : bahasa assembly
- bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi, cth : bahasa pascal, c, prolog, fortran, cobol
- bahasa pemrograman tingkat sangat tinggi, cth : visual basic, delphi, foxpro, visual c++
Dari struktur datanya, bahasa pemrograman juga dapat dikelompokkan kedalam:
- bahasa pemrograman terstruktur, cth : pascal, c, cobol
- bahasa pemrograman berbasis obyek, cth : visual basic, visual C#, visual c++, visual web developer
- bahasa pemrograman tidak terstruktur, cth : Structured Query Language
3. Aplikasi (application)
Software yang dibentuk untuk menjalankan fungsi tertentu seperti pengolahan kata, angka, presentasi, animasi, multimedia dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan fungsinya aplikasi dapat dikelompokkan kedalam:
- aplikasi pengolah kata (word processing application), cth : Microsfot Word
- aplikasi pengolah data (database processing application), cth : Microsfot Access
- aplikasi pengolah angka (numerical processing application), cth : Microsfot Excel
- aplikasi pengolah gambar (image processing application), cth : Photoshop
- aplikasi pengolah animasi (animation processing application), cth : Flash
- aplikasi pengolah suara (audio processing application), cth : Jet Audio
- aplikasi pengolah multimedia (multimedia processing application), cth : 3D Max
- aplikasi pengolah presentasi (presentation processing application), cth : Microsfot Power Point
- aplikasi pengolah statistik (statistic processing application), cth : SPSS
- aplikasi pengolah matematika (mathematic processing application), cth : Matlab
- dsb
4. Utiliti (Utility)
Software yang digunakan untuk mendayagunakan fungsi-fungsi komputer dan fungsinya sangat spesifik seperti register, defragmenter, norton utiliti dan sebagainya
dari rum sebelah....

Software is a program code is arranged in such a way systematically to achieve a goal. On each computer system must have software because without the software interaction with hardware brainware not possible. In terms of software functions can be grouped into:
1. Operating system (operating system)
The operating system is software used to manage resources - resources (resources) computer. In terms of accessing the operating system software can be divided into two parts:
- Server operating system
- Client operating system
2. Programming language (programming language)
Software used to design the software on a computer system. In terms of resemblance to human language, the software programming language to dikelompokkkan into:
- Low-level programming language, eg: machine language
- Middle-level programming language, eg: assembly language
- High level programming language, eg: language pascal, c, Prolog, Fortran, COBOL
- Very high level programming language, eg: visual basic, Delphi, FoxPro, Visual c
From the data structure, programming language can also be grouped into:
- Structured programming language, eg: Pascal, C, COBOL
- Object-based programming language, eg: visual basic, visual C #, visual c, visual web developer
- Unstructured programming languages, eg: Structured Query Language
3. Application (application)
Software that was formed to perform certain functions such as word processing, number, presentation, animation, multimedia and so forth. Based on the application functions can be grouped into:
- Word processing applications (word processing application), eg: Microsfot Word
- Data processing applications (database processing application), eg: Microsfot Access
- Application processing a number of (numerical processing application), eg: Excel Microsfot
- Image processing applications (image processing application), eg: Photoshop
- Application processing animation (animation processing application), eg: Flash
- Voice processing applications (audio processing application), eg: Jet Audio
- Multimedia processing applications (multimedia processing application), eg: 3D Max
- Processing applications presentation (presentation processing application), eg: Microsfot Power Point
- Application processing statistics (statistical processing application), eg: SPSS
- Processing applications of mathematics (mathematic processing application), eg: Matlab
- Etc.
4. Utilities (Utility)
Software that is used to efficiently utilize the computer functions and very specific functions such as registers, defragmenter, norton utilities, etc

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